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Fred Hammond Chapter 73
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QCWA Longevity Certificates

QCWA Bulletin 2014-006 - QCWA Takes a Major Step Forward          
Thanks to the leadership of President Oelke and the expertise of Webmaster Roske, the QCWA Certificate Program now takes a significant step forward. It is now possible for individual members, or for Chapter Officials, to self-generate QCWA Longevity Certificates. If you request a 50 Year Anniversary, 55 Year Anniversary, 60 Year Anniversary, or 65 Year Anniversary certificate, you may download the certificate immediately to your own computer and print the certificate at your leisure.
The procedure for securing these self-generated certificates is clearly indicated on the QCWA Members Only web page. You will not be able to download any certificate for which you are ineligible. When you activate the download process for your certificate, there will be a delay of a few seconds because the PDF file is large and will take a little time for the certificate to transfer to your computer. As always with QCWA certificate fulfillment, patience is a virtue.
Certificates that require sequential numbers, i.e., the 50 Year Continuously Licensed Award, the higher level longevity certificates beginning at the 70 year Anniversary Award, the Century Club Award, and the Meritorious Service Award, will still be ordered using the by now familiar process of requesting the certificate from the Certificate Custodian. This ordering process is automated and has been working well for some time now. Please continue to order those certificates as you normally would.
Should you experience any difficulty with this process, please know that our Webmaster is available to assist you in resolving your problem.
Thank you and please do enjoy those certificates that you have earned through loyalty to QCWA. 
Vic Culver, W4VIC
QCWA Certificate Custodian








Quarter Century Wireless Association - Fred Hammond Chapter 73

  Web Administrator

Fred Hammond
Chapter 73